Humanities Division : All Pages
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- Psychic Dreams and Newspapers in the Late Nineteenth Century
- Past events
- Faculty of History
- RHS lecture by Dr Adrian Gregory
- Who are the Walloons – and why are they blocking Europe’s free trade deal with Canada?
- Knowledge Exchange with the National Trust & Manchester University
- Roy Foster Wins the American Historical Association’s 2016 Morris D. Forkosch Prize
- Donald Trump's slogan betrays a renewed political fixation on the past
- 'Have ye ever seen a child clemmed to death?': Elizabeth Gaskell and the Physiology of Starvation
- The James Ford Lectures 2017 - History in English Criticism, 1919-1961
- Faculty of English Language and Literature
- Faculty of Theology and Religion
- Faculty of Philosophy
- Faculty of Classics
- Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics
- Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages
- Faculty of Music
- Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
- Rothermere American Institute
- Voltaire Foundation
- Ruskin School of Art
- TORCH | The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities
- Clarendon Lecture 3: Gods and Beggars
- Clarendon Lecture 1: The Enrag’d Musician, and other Street Scenes
- Clarendon Lecture 2: Proust’s enchantment: the cris de Paris
- Clarendon Lecture 4: The Poet and the Knife-grinder
- Blackwell's Oxford Presents: Margaret Atwood 'Hag-Seed'
- Calling all budding poets – Christopher Tower Poetry Competition
- English at Oxford ranked first worldwide
- Watch the trailer for 'Macbeth, Macbeth' by Ewan Fernie and Simon Palfrey
- Events
- Get Involved
- Researcher Development and Training
- Alexandra Vincent MBE
- Catherine McKiernan
- Jeremy Moyse
- Nick Fowler
- Karina Beck
- Caroline Thurston
- Chris Williams
- Lorraine Rathband
- 'Grammar is cool, and it's cool to know your grammar'
- 'Grammar is cool, and it's cool to know your grammar'
- Political Crises in Recent History
- Professor of Poetry Lecture – Professor Simon Armitage: 'We Need To Talk About Robert: Bob Dylan and the Nobel Prize for Literature'
- Professor of Poetry Lecture - Professor Simon Armitage: 'Access All Areas: Poetry and the Underworld'
- Start Where the People are: Leadership and the Civil Rights Movement
- Staff – alphabetical list
- CWGC event Brookwood Cemetery 18 November 2016
- The James Ford Lectures in British History
- Research Impact Videos
- Indian Arrivals 1870-1915 wins the ESSE 2016 Book Prize for Literature in English
- Interdisciplinary Masters Degrees
- D F McKenzie Lecture 2017: ‘Publish and perish in Japan: why manuscripts continued to circulate in the age of print’
- Major grant awarded to Zooniverse
- Shakespeare in a Tweet: winners announced
- Wellcome Trust award for the Centre for Ethics, Innovation, Globalisation and Medicine
- New Drue Heinz Professor of American Literature is announced
- Professor David Bradshaw
- Winners of the Marilyn Butler Dissertation Prize announced
- Through an artist’s eye: Felicia Browne and the Spanish Civil War
- Early Career Opportunities
- MSt in Film Aesthetics
- MSt in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
- MSt in Medieval Studies
- Professor Antoinette Burton: ‘The Scorpion’s Lash: Gender and the Making of an Imperial Anthropocene in Victorian Afghanistan’
- Academic Appointments
- Development
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- Health and Safety
- Education Planning and Support
- Governance
- Research Support
- Strategic planning and projects
- Researcher Development and Training
- Information Security
- Professor Daniel Grimley
- Professor Freya Johnston
- Jan-Georg Deutsch
- Maria Kouroumali
- Comparing the Copperbelt: Political Culture and Knowledge Production in Central Africa
- Contact our faculties
- Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School: 3-7 JULY 2017
- Alumni
- Giving to the Humanities
- Public Lectures
- Science, Medicine and Culture in the 19th Century: Medical Authority, (pseudo)Science and the Explained Supernatural in Late Victorian Female Gothic Fiction
- Science, Medicine and Culture in the 19th Century: Pathologies of Solitude
- British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships
- Oxford Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy 2017
- Our Approach
- Senior Team
- The Ertegun Graduate Scholarship Programme in the Humanities
- Pádraig O’Connor
- Gender Equality in Oxford: How Far Have We Come?
- Graduate applicants: save the date!
- O'Donnell Lecture: Curious Traveller: Britain, Britons and Britishness in Thomas Pennant’s 'Tours'
- Self-Knowledge and Agency Conference
- This ‘will of the people’ talk must stop – we need a better democracy than that
- The Shedding of Skins and Schemes: a voice of one’s own and the voices of others
- Dead as a Dodo? Why Literature Matters in Times of Migration and Unrest
- Slade Lectures: The Material Presence of Absent Antiquities: Collecting Excessive Objects and the Revival of the Past
- The Carlyle Lectures 2017 - The Thucydidean Renaissance
- The Making of England: A New History of the Anglo-Saxon World
- The Norse Myths: A Guide to the Gods and Heroes
- Weaving Words and Binding Bodies: The Poetics of Human Experience in Old English Literature
- Supersonic: Ashmolean LiveFriday
- AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership
- Jews and the End of Days: Oxford Seminar in Advanced Jewish Studies
- How to Make Writing in the Humanities Less Lonely
- ERC 10th Anniversary Week: Diseases of Modern Life
- ERC 10th Anniversary Week: The 15cBOOKTRADE
- ERC 10th Anniversary Week: How does the brain process language?
- ERC 10th Anniversary Week: Music, Digitisation, Mediation: Towards Interdisciplinary Music Studies
- ERC 10th Anniversary Week: Comparing the Copperbelt
- Humanities Divisional Board Members
- Philosophy Undergraduate Open Day
- Oxford Philosophy ranked 2nd in World QS University Rankings
- Uehiro Special Public Lecture TT17
- Cultivating Virtue in the University
- New Daphne du Maurier documentary premieres in Paris
- St Cross Special Ethics Seminar TT17
- The 9th John Ackrill Memorial Lecture
- The Development of Character Conference
- Wittgenstein and the First Person Conference
- Jews, Liberalism and Anti-Semitism Conference Report
- Methodological Innovation in Late Medieval Studies
- AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Studentship on ‘Art Patronage and Court Influence 1660–1714’
- We Stand with CEU: New Directions in History - HISTORIES OF FORMAL KNOWLEDGE
- We Stand with CEU: New Directions in History - VARIETIES OF HISTORY
- H.L.A. Hart Memorial Lecture 2017
- Oxford tops the rankings for the second year
- Astor Lecture: 'Disaster Drawn: Comics and Picturing Violence'
- Cultures of Knowledge
- Professor of Poetry Lecture – Professor Simon Armitage 'Like, Elizabeth Bishop'
- Science, Medicine and Culture in the 19th Century Seminar: 'Ada Lovelace in her Mathematical Context'
- Science, Medicine and Culture in the 19th Century Seminar: 'On the Stratification of Language'
- Science, Medicine and Culture in the 19th Century Seminar: 'Time Tribes: How the Railways Made Communities (1840-1900)'
- Visiting Professor of Creative Media lectures - No Filter: Power and Pictures in a Post Truth World
- The Foundation of Reality Conference
- Complexity in Our Multiple Identities: the 2017 Disability Lecture
- Humanities Innovation Competition results
- The Ruskin Degree Show, 2017
- Dr Peter Leary wins Donald Murphy Prize for Distinguished First Book
- Charlotte Medland
- Humanities well represented in the Vice-Chancellor's Public Engagement with Research Awards
- VC PER Awards - Dr Lucy Kaufman
- VC PER Awards - Dr Kate Kennedy
- VC PER Awards - Dr Sophie Ratcliffe, Unsilencing the Library
- VC PER Awards - Professor Armand D’Angour, Ancient Greek Music: hearing long lost sounds again
- ‘From antiquity to the modern world: ancient history and the big issues of today’
- Dr Sophie Ratcliffe wins University Public Engagement Award for Unsilencing the Library
- Oxford student wins national essay prize
- Oxford tops world rankings for Ethics
- Pacification and Counter-Insurgency in Historical Perspective
- Health and Safety Queries
- Clarendon Lecture 1: Literature and Literariness
- Clarendon Lecture 2: Milton and the Problem of Belief
- Philosophy tutors win OUSU Teaching Awards
- Prof Kathryn Sutherland featured on BBC Radio 4
- The 2017 Winchester Lecture
- Oxford Arts Blog: "Voices of stone" bring ancient city to life
- Acid drainage: the global environmental crisis you’ve never heard of
- Big Data and History of Knowledge: Virtual Reconstructions and Enhanced Publications as interfaces to research, education and cultural heritage
- Speaking with: Julian Savulescu on the ethics of genetic modification in humans
- Prof. Karen O'Brien speaks in Hong Kong on Jane Austen and the English Art of Hospitality
- Kant's Categorical Imperative on Radio 4
- Sir Anthony Kenny: Determinism and Freedom, A Lifelong Discussion
- Special Slade Lecture 2017 - The Materiality of the Divine: Aniconism, Iconoclasm, Iconography
- Clarendon Lecture 3: Literariness in Kant, Kierkegaard and Coetzee
- Michael Devitt — The Reference of Proper Names: Testing Usage and Intuition
- British literature is richly tangled with other histories and cultures – so why is it sold as largely white and English?
- Tim Williamson elected member of the Institut International de Philosophie
- 'Disorder's Avatar'? Literature, Culture, and the Politics of Disability Representation
- Professor of Poetry Lecture: The Hawks and the Doves – raptors and rapture in the poetry of Thom Gunn and Ted Hughes.
- New blog post: Christianity Does Not Justify Trump’s ‘Fire and Fury’
- New blog post: It's all Greek to me
- Classics Faculty celebrate excellent outcome from OxLAT Teaching Scheme
- Book at Lunchtime: Unlocking the Church
- Could social media save endangered languages?
- Mediating modern German poetry
- Artistic License
- How learning Latin could change your life
- What’s in a (Greek) name?
- Besterman Lecture: ‘Digital rhetoric, literae humaniores and Leibniz’s dream’
- Is the future covfefe?
- Meet the undergraduate helping refugees study in Oxford
- Meet the multilingual linguistics student who’s studying our brains
- How to make a masterpiece
- What it’s like performing with a world-famous musician
- Swift against Empire
- The Social Life of Books: Reading Together in the Eighteenth-Century Home (The Lewis Walpole Series in Eighteenth-Century Culture and History)
- Revolting Remedies from the Middle Ages
- The Carlyle Lectures 2018 - Constitutions before Constitutionalism: Classical Greek Ideas of Office and Rule
- The James Ford Lectures 2018 - The Reformation of the Generations: Age, Ancestry, and Memory in England c. 1500-1700
- Meet the student bringing dub poetry to Oxford
- Creating space for working-class students at Oxford
- Got gout? Grab an owl
- The students working together to fight procrastination
- Do writing groups work? I tried one and found out
- I was here… in Ancient Egypt
- What does moonlight sound like?
- How film flourished in the USSR
- The Villiers Quartet
- Talk: Andrew Scheps
- Jon Stallworthy Poetry Prize 2018
- Dr José Hernández, the first NASA astronaut from a Mexican migrant family
- Is God a figment of our imagination?
- It's all Greek to me
- Professor Alister McGrath on the ABC: 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation
- Meeting with Islamic feminists
- Inaugural Lecture – Drue Heinz Professor of American Literature
- Aristotle Reading Party on Metaphysics Mu
- Southern Association for Ancient Philosophy
- Germaine de Staël/Jane Austen Bicentenary Exhibition
- McKenzie Lecture – The idea of ‘the reading public’: literary history or cultural criticism?
- Diarmaid MacCulloch: Sex and the Church
- Would you want to live for ever?
- Love and Vulnerability: In Memory of Pamela Sue Anderson
- The Taylor Special Lecture: “The Humboldt Forum: Two Brothers, a Palast and a Schloß”
- Erica Saracino
- 'Imagining the Divine' Art and the Rise of World Religions, an exhibition at Oxford's Ashmolean Museum
- UNIQ Summer School: A Reflection by Robert Brown
- An Interview with Professor Anna Sapir Abulafia Part 2/5
- Christian Ethics meets... Improvised Comedy?
- An Interview with Professor Anna Sapir Abulafia Part 1/5
- The Pamela Sue Anderson Studentship
- Here Be Dragons: the Oxford Fantasy Literature Summer School
- Costs of War – Impact, Meaning and Perceptions, OXPO Conference
- Dr Annie Sutherland's book wins Beatrice White Prize 2017
- Dr Freya Johnston article is RES Editor's Choice
- An Interview with Professor Anna Sapir Abulafia Part 3/5
- Composer Talk: Stephen Montague
- The Slade Lectures : From Drawing to Painting in the Italian Renaissance
- Girls, travel and global issues: multi-disciplinary perspectives
- Book at Lunchtime: A HISTORY OF ALGERIA
- Book at Lunchtime: PHOTOGRAPHY AND TIBET
- The 2018 Isaiah Berlin Lecture Week 1 HT18
- Medical Humanities Summer School
- Graduate Fellowship opportunity
- Nicholas of Lyra (c. 1270–1349) and the Late Medieval Bible
- Professor of Poetry Hilary Term lecture – 'Like, Elizabeth Bishop'
- Professor of Poetry Lecture Trinity Term: "Unseasonal Produce: Winter Words in Various Moods and Metres"
- Visiting Professor of Creative Media lecture – The End of Journalism? (1)
- Visiting Professor of Creative Media lecture – The End of Journalism? (2)
- Sounds of South Asia Series
- Mind and Brain Workshop "Addiction and the Brain"
- The 2017 John Locke Lectures
- An Interview with professor Anna Sapir Abulafia Part 4/5
- AHRC-funded DPhil Studentship on 18th and early 19th Century Music
- The 2018 Isaiah Berlin Lecture Week 2 HT18
- The 2018 Sir John Elliott Lecture in Atlantic History
- The 2018 Winant Lecture in American Government
- Bach and the concerto
- LGBTQ+ History Month – Oxford History Faculty LGBTQ+ History Workshop
- Bach Project: Bach and the Voice
- Contrapunctus
- Villiers Quartet
- Publication Beyond Print: a Leverhulme Doctoral Centre
- LECTURE: Professor Sir Paul Nurse, 'Science as Revolution'
- The 2018 Isaiah Berlin Lecture (Week 3, HT18)
- Leverhulme Doctoral Centre Bid Successful
- AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award: The Wrest Circle
- AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award: Country House Politics after 1950
- AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award 2018-21: The Modernist Home
- Lincoln Leads 2018: What is Historical Truth
- One Hundred Years of Women’s Suffrage: Where to Next?
- WORKSHOP: Gendering Internationalism - Gendering Jewish Internationalism
- Artefacts of Writing: Ideas of the State and Communities of Letters from Matthew Arnold to Xu Bing
- The 2018 Isaiah Berlin Lecture (Week 4, HT18)
- Natalia Nowakowska - King Sigismund of Poland and Martin Luther The Reformation before Confessionalization (OUP, 2018)
- ‘Renaissance Royal Weddings & Cultural Production’ Conference
- An Interview with professor Anna Sapir Abulafia Part 5/5
- Stranger in a Strange Land
- Learning a Prelims language
- New Leverhulme Doctoral Centre announced
- Our Migration Story wins prize
- Reading Bass Culture: Linton Kwesi Johnson in conversation with Paul Gilroy
- Tact: Aesthetic Liberalism and the Essay Form in Nineteenth-Century Britain
- World Literature: For and Against (Part 2)
- The 2018 Isaiah Berlin Lecture (Week 5, HT18)
- The 2018 Isaiah Berlin Lecture (Week 7, HT18)
- "Rethinking Nationalism, Sectarianism and Ethno-Religious Mobilisation in the Middle East"
- Writing Historical Biography: Problems and Challenges
- Paul and Patristics: A New Online Database
- Book Launch: Xu Bing 徐冰 in Conversation with Professor Peter D McDonald
- O'Donnell Lecture 2018 - Cheapside in Wales: Textiles and Commodities in Medieval Welsh Poetry
- Professor Nicolai Sinai Awarded European Research Council Grant
- Was the Buddha a Muslim?
- How hunger shook Europe and the Ottoman Empire after World War I
- Vernacular languages in the long ninth century
- Global Dome Exchange Programme: A PhD Accelerator in the Humanities
- Baroque between the Wars
- Radhakrishnan Memorial Lectures 2018
- One Hundred Years of Women's Suffrage: How Far Have we Come?
- Call for Papers: Beyond Truth: Fiction and (Dis)information in the Early Modern World
- The Annual Hicks Lecture - Rising Inequality and Globalization
- A brief history of dyslexia and the role women played in getting it recognised
- Innovating in humanities and social sciences
- Oxford researchers chosen as New Generation Thinkers
- New card game brings 'Mind-Boggling Medical History' to life
- In Medieval Britain, if you wanted to get ahead, you had to speak French
- Beyond Truth: Fiction and (Dis)information in the Early Modern World
- Twitter Workshop: Taster Session
- A fresh ear for late Schumann
- Edward Harcourt appointed Director of Research, Strategy and Innovation for AHRC
- Should all UK Citizens Speak English?
- On Science, Religion, and Dual Vocations
- The Sybille Haynes Lecture: ‘Tarquinia and the Origin of Etruscan Religion’
- The Don Fowler Memorial Lecture: 'Livy’s Faliscan schoolmaster’ (5.26-7)
- The Gaisford Lecture: 'The Greeks and a Short Long History of the Joke’
- The David Lewis Lecture: ‘Latin in Imperial Greece’
- How gold rushes helped make the modern world
- Georgi Gardiner wins a Distinguished Scholarly Achievement Award
- Global Priorities Institute opens at Oxford
- 'Here Be Dragons': summer school to put fantasy genre in spotlight
- Prof Abigail Green on the transformative Impact of the Leadership Fellow's Scheme
- Professor John L. Brooke, The Astor Lecture in Global Environmental History
- Professor Sir Paul Nurse on ‘Science as Revolution’
- Professor Wayne Lee, The Global History of War Lecture
- Music and Memory: composer Jonathan Dove in conversation with Dr Kate Kennedy
- 2018 Besterman Lecture: 'Methuselah and the unity of mankind: late Renaissance and early Enlightenment conceptions of time'
- Launch of new Ancient Philosophy journal: Dialogoi
- Ellen Higgins
- Solving the problems of Brexit with 500-year-old wisdom
- Indo-Iranian Philology Day
- Henk de Smaele Guest Lecture: A Political History of the Nude
- The "Empire Windrush" and Black British History
- Decolonising the History curriculum: A Panel Discussion
- Terra Foundation Lectures in American Art: The Body of the Nation
- The 2018 H.L.A. Hart Memorial Lecture
- The 2018 Lee Lecture in Political Science and Government
- Sir John Elliott receives the Premio Órdenes Españolas Award 2018
- Student-Led Teaching Awards Nominations
- The Rebellious Royalist Women of the English Revolution
- The power of prediction in language comprehension
- Exploring the Sounds of South Asia
- Research Conversations Trinity Term 2018
- History of Science, Medicine, and Technology Postgraduate Conference 2018
- Bloomsbury wins 11-way auction for Josephine Quinn's How the World Made the West
- Professor Mary Beard receives honorary degree
- Professor Nino Luraghi appointed to the Wykeham Professorship of Ancient History
- Seminar on Jewish History and Literature in the Graeco-Roman Period Trinity Term Week5
- Seminar on Jewish History and Literature in the Graeco-Roman Period Trinity Term Week6
- "Voices of Stone" bring ancient city to life
- American Poet A.E. Stallings Launches New Translation of Hesiod
- Classics Faculty celebrate excellent outcome from OxLAT Teaching Scheme
- Connections to Classics
- Dr Alison Rosenblitt receives a prestigious CAMWS 2018 award
- Constructing Authors and Readers in the Appendices Vergiliana, Tibulliana & Ovidiana
- Exegesis, Interpretation, Dialogue: Reading the Iliad Scholia
- Introducing Manuscripts from Ethiopia and Eritrea
- Lead pollution in Greenland ice shows rise and fall of ancient European civilizations
- Oxford University Press reissues the Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources
- Professor Jaś Elsner elected Fellow of the British Academy
- The Ancient Graffiti Project 15-29 July 2018
- The David Lewis Lecture
- The Graduate Workshop in Ancient Greek and Roman Music
- The Pathology of Love in Greek and Roman Art and Literature
- Vice-Chancellor’s Public Engagement with Research Award 2017
- Winners of Oxford University Student-Led Teaching Awards announced
- Merve Emre and Nicholas Gaskill appointed as Associate Professors of American Literature
- 'Seeing Euclid' Display
- Drum, bass... and Opera
- What can ‘A Nice Cup of Tea’ tell us about Global Trade and Exploitation?
- Luciano Floridi awarded and appointed
- What does ancient Greek Music sound like?
- Dr Darren Sarisky to receive Teaching Excellence Award
- Portrait of Professor Donald Russell unveiled
- MSt in Comparative Literature and Critical Translation
- British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Conference 2018
- The Lidl German Language and Literature Graduate Scholarships and Student Funding
- The Iberian World and the East: Go-betweens and meditations, 16th-18th centuries
- New Voices in the History of War
- Oxford Arts Blog - How do we remember war?
- Oxford Arts Blog - The unique issues facing women refugees in the UK
- Oxford Arts Blog - Digitising Iran's cuneiform collection
- Endowment of Chair in the History of Science announced
- Harvey Brown, “On Probability, Multiverses, and Yogi Berra"
- Krisztina Lugosi
- Equality and Diversity
- Athena SWAN
- University equality and diversity policies
- Parents and carers
- Staff wellbeing
- Resources for staff and students
- Funding announced for almost 400 new doctoral places in arts and humanities
- Book Launch with Uehiro Centre
- Clarendon Lecture 1: Messing About in Boats – Rilke's 'Auswanderer-Schiff' or 'Emigrant Ship'
- Compassion in Politics: What would it look like and how do we get it?
- Crack the Code! Learn about the atbash cipher and how to crack it!
- Dr Jeremy Catto 1939-2018
- England’s Insular Imaginings – Inaugural Lecture of Professor Lorna Hutson, Merton Professor of English Literature
- Ethiopian and Eritrean Ge’ez Manuscripts Discovery Day
- New Generation Thinker, Dafydd Daniel: An Interview
- Oxford Wells Shakespeare Lecture 1: Shakespeare Without a Life
- Oxford Wells Shakespeare Lecture 2: Shakespeare's Timeline
- Oxford Wells Shakespeare Lecture 3: The Archive and its Discontents
- Oxford Wells Shakespeare Lecture 4: Shakespeare's Dateless Sonnets
- Professor of Poetry Lecture: 'Damned if he Does and Damned if he Doesn't? Dilemmas and Decisions in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight' – Simon Armitage
- Research Day: Reconstructing Nicholas Crouch: the library of a seventeenth-century medic
- Wisdom & Ethics Workshop
- What has theology got to say about healthcare?
- Theologies of Retrieval: An Exploration and Appraisal
- The Bible and the Academy
- Continuities and Transformations Conference
- Academic Futures scholarships available for 2024-25
- Performing Print in the Western Art-Song Tradition, c.1800-1900
- From Oral Wisdom to Written Rules: Law-Making in Pre-modern Tibet
- Vicarious Publication through Judicial Records in Medieval England
- Eighteenth-century English theatre: publication beyond print
- Mass communication before printing: coin circulation in the Roman world
- Bohemia in East Germany: Samizdat in the GDR 1980-1990
- Arabic Ergodic Literature
- Artificial Intelligence and the future of news publishing
- The Dynamics of Publication on Stone in Democracies and Oligarchies
- The Reformation beyond Print
- ‘Publication’, papyri, and literary texts: process and presentation
- From pre-print to post-print: transformations in (the study of) epigraphic culture
- Under Pressure: Women Commissioning Manuscripts in a Time of Print
- The Vedas: the Once and Future Scriptless Texts
- Bullying and Harassment
- Disability History Month Workshop: “Disability History at Oxford: Opportunities, Challenges, and the Future”
- Smart People Work Everywhere: Using Your Research Skills Outside Academia
- Annual Special Lecture - The night of broken glass: Kristallnacht after 80 years
- Benjamin Mountford & Stephen Tuffnell (eds.), A Global History of Gold Rushes (UCP, 2018)
- BESTERMAN LECTURES: ‘Writing Rights in 1789’
- Amia Srinivasan wins the Sanders Public Philosophy Award
- Humanities IT Team
- Clarendon Lecture 2: Messing About in Boats – Rimbaud's 'Bateau Ivre' or 'Drunken Ship'
- Clarendon Lecture 3: Messing about in Boats – Montale's 'Barche sulla Marna' or 'Boats on the Marne'
- Clarendon Lecture 4: Messing About in Boats – Solie's 'The World'
- Future of Humanity Institute Scholarship Programme
- Alice Purkiss
- Kathryn (Kate) Boyd-Miller
- Terra Foundation for American Art Visiting Professor announced for 2019-20 academic year
- The Slade Lectures - Islam and Image: Beyond Aniconism and Iconoclasm
- Bart van Es wins 2018 Costa Biography Award for his book 'The Cut Out Girl'
- Medical Humanities Summer School 2019
- Professor John Blair short-listed for the Wolfson History Prize
- Simon Armitage to be next Poet Laureate
- State school teachers win Oxford award after being nominated by English students
- The places of and for ancient graffiti
- Colophons, community, and the making of the Christian Middle East, 1500-1900
- Hearing the Page
- Re-reading Plowden’s Political Theology
- Diplomacy beyond Print: Unprinted Publications and Sir Thomas Roe’s Embassy to the Ottoman Court
- Voltaire’s Worlds of Publication: Manuscript – Print – Digital
- The performance of English-language poetry, 1900 to the present
- Textual Genesis Beyond Print: From Modern Manuscripts to Digital Editions
- Paddy and the Public Sphere
- Southern Association for Ancient Philosophy 2019
- Career Conversations
- Practical Ethics and Responsibility Competition
- Baillie Gifford networking dinner for postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers
- Announcement of Stavros Niarchos Foundation Director of the Oxford Centre for Byzantine Research
- HT20 New St Cross Special Ethics Seminar: Dr Neil Armstrong
- HT20 New St Cross Special Ethics Seminar: Professor Noam Zohar
- The Vulnerable World Hypothesis
- Public Talk: Brian D. Earp on the "reproducibility crisis"
- New Humanities Building – Update
- Year 12 Humanities BAME Study Day 2020
- 7th Annual Oxford Uehiro Prize in Practical Ethics Final Presentation
- History student makes 1810 diary discovery
- Dr Justine Shaw
- Megan Gooch
- Architect appointed for new Humanities building
- Erin Gordon
- Resources and support: the pandemic and beyond
- How to learn a language during lockdown
- From podcasts to virtual readings - new digital content released
- TT20 New St Cross Special Ethics Seminar: Professor Arthur Schafer
- Lessons for today's crisis from the humanities
- Anbara Khalidi
- Holly Knights
- Matt Pickles
- Phil Taylor
- Ian Lyne
- Two Oxford authors on Wolfson History Prize shortlist
- Latin classes for state school pupils go online during the Coronavirus lockdown
- Report shows value of humanities to meeting today's challenges
- TT20 New St Cross Special Ethics Seminar: Dr Mackenzie Graham
- Athena Swan Bronze awards for English and Music
- Academics shortlisted for Vice-Chancellor's Diversity Awards
- Two projects receive Coronavirus research awards
- The ethics of Covid-19 contact tracing
- New COVID-19-inspired theatre performance based on Oxford research
- Two Ruskin artists receive Turner Bursaries
- Baillie Gifford-AHRC scholars 'pursue dreams' at Oxford
- Humanities BAME study day will be held virtually
- Humanities successes in Vice-Chancellor's Innovation Awards
- Seven academics named as Fellows of the British Academy
- Report on BAME Humanities Study Day
- Boost for sustainability of Digital Humanities
- Introducing the 'Ten Minute Book Club'
- Minderoo-Oxford Challenge Fund in AI Governance launched
- Digital Accessibility
- Accessibility Resources
- Accessibility Regulations
- Auditing your site
- Making a plan to fix problems
- Publish an accessibility statement
- Make plans for maintaining accessibility
- Robyn Pearce-Jones
- Inaugural director and academic team appointed to Institute for Ethics in AI
- Report and panel discussion marks 100th anniversary of PPE
- Humanities Division Accessibility Statement
- Kam Miles
- Greg Waiting
- 19 new undergraduates arrive for Classics Bridging Course
- Ingrid Locatelli
- In focus: Isabelle Riepe, Lidl Graduate Scholar
- Nobel Prize for Literature 2020: our experts react
- Theologian wins Philip Leverhulme prize
- Research award highlights: recent prizes for Oxford Humanities researchers
- Prize highlights: recent recognition for members of Oxford Humanities
- US election night 2020: how the presidency has evolved over time
- Initial public consultation for new building launched
- Online Rehearsals Service (ORS)
- Online Rehearsals Guide
- TIDE Salon: a radical new archive
- A musical advent calendar
- Historian awarded major ERC grant
- Stellar advisory council announced for Humanities Cultural Programme
- Unpicking the priorities of the Biden Administration
- Ireland, Empire and the Early Modern World: this year's Ford Lectures to start on Friday
- New graduate scholarships to help further understanding of Armenian heritage
- Terra Foundation Visiting Professor for 2021-22 will bring new perspectives on American art in a global context
- Online Rehearsals Service - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- New book explores the relationship between sound and space
- Two faculties top global subject rankings table
- Slade Lectures: Philip Guston (1913-1980) History and the Art of Painting
- The James Ford Lectures 2019 - After the Black Death: Society, economy and the law in fourteenth-century England
- Two researchers announced as New Generation Thinkers
- 'World's largest painting' by Ruskin School alum sold for charity
- 21 conversations about dyslexia: documentary launch
- Humanities, innovation and impact: the search for an Academic Champion
- Ancient and modern languages in primary schools
- Donation secures future of professorship in German language and literature
- Marking two 100 year anniversaries of the Agnelli-Serena Chair in Italian Studies
- 400 years of moral philosophy: reflections from the White's Professor
- Research Staff Representation
- Telling Our Stories Better: new project launches
- Successful BAME Study Day held online
- Academics recognised in Queen's Birthday Honours List
- Proposed design for new Humanities building presented during a second public consultation
- Prestigious award for philosopher’s research on ending data inequality
- New project aims to show prospective students that Classics is for everyone
- MSc in Digital Scholarship
- Ruskin artist wins Fourth Plinth commission
- Announcing a new Master's degree in Digital Scholarship
- Academics elected as new British Academy Fellows
- Theatre in the time of crisis: the show has gone on
- Professor Leeder elected to the Schwarz-Taylor Chair of German
- African Poetry Digital Portal: an online archive for the continent’s poetry
- MSt and MPhil in Celtic Studies
- Professor Laura Marcus
- "Exceptionally promising" classicists win 2021 Philip Leverhulme Prize
- New initiative to address under-representation in Humanities doctoral study
- Oldest professorship in philosophy renamed after 400th anniversary donation
- Institute for Ethics in AI launches Advisory Council and website
- MSc Digital Scholarship: Curriculum
- Scholarships and funding
- Launch of MSc in Digital Scholarship
- Clive Brown
- Graduate Supervision
- Announcing the launch of Digital Scholarship @ Oxford (DiSc)
- Oxford University submits planning application for new Humanities building
- How are modern debates changing the way we read novels?
- BBC programme celebrates artist and teacher from the Ruskin School of Art
- Future of the Tolkien Chair secured
- Gail Miller
- Terra Foundation for American Art Visiting Professor announced for 2022-23 academic year
- Professor Daniel Grimley appointed Head of Oxford's Humanities Division
- Dr Oliver Cox appointed Trustee to the Churches Conservation Trust
- Jane Austen letters saved after national campaign
- Royal Society cautions against online censorship of scientific misinformation
- Professor Abigail Williams
- Castalian String Quartet to perform in Oxford
- Oxford University establishes the Jonathan Cooper Professor of the History of Sexualities
- New postdoctoral global scholarships funded by British Academy
- Inclusive Chairing Toolkit
- An analysis of Putin's imperial ambitions and Ukraine's 300-year road to statehood
- "The Arts and Humanities at Oxford are a cultural powerhouse": Interview with Professor Dan Grimley
- 9th Annual Oxford Uehiro Prize in Practical Ethics Final Presentation
- Oxford University receives planning approval for the new Humanities building
- ''How philosophy occupies the everyday'' An interview with Timothy Williamson
- Celebrating the completion of the Complete Works of Voltaire
- Applying state-of-the-art AI to the study of ancient texts
- New global project will explore the teaching of classical languages in schools
- Institute for Ethics in AI becomes a founding member of the Philosophy, AI and Society Consortium
- Katie Melua and the BBC Concert Orchestra to perform original work inspired by Oxford research
- Oxford top for arts and humanities in the QS World University Rankings by Subject
- Book now: free concert at the Sheldonian will celebrate diversity of Oxford's community
- Professor Aditi Lahiri receives a record third ERC Advanced Grant
- DeepMind CEO to give lecture on AI's potential for scientific discovery
- Mental Health First Aiders
- Humanities recognised for high volume of world-leading research in REF 2021
- Modern Languages academic receives the prestigious Gapper Prize
- 50-year project reveals new insights about the evolution and influence of Voltaire's thought
- Graduate Facilities
- Humanities Graduate Space Mail List Privacy Notice
- Andrea Thomson
- Historian named Staff Champion in Vice-Chancellor's Diversity Awards
- Understanding America: introducing the RAI’s podcast series
- History Faculty launches new community history programme
- Marking three years since the announcement of the new Humanities building
- Introducing the Humanities Division's new Divisional Registrar and COO
- Digital Humanities Summer School returns to Oxford
- Four Humanities academics elected British Academy Fellows
- Announcing a change of name to the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
- Watch now: DeepMind Founder’s lecture for the Institute for Ethics in AI
- Project aims to preserve Second World War memories
- Oxford tops The Times Good University Guide rankings
- "High-stakes" humanities research recognised in Vice-Chancellor's Oration
- J.R.R. Tolkien Professorship of English Literature and Language
- Undergraduates get a taste for Humanities research through UNIQ+ access programme
- The race to rescue archival documents in Ukraine
- Linguist wins £100,000 Philip Leverhulme Prize
- Celebrating ten years of the Mica and Ahmet Ertegun Scholarship Programme
- John Fulljames appointed as inaugural Director of the Humanities Cultural Programme
- "We will start from the perspective of the audience" - interview with John Fulljames
- Meet the students
- TEV UK Scholarship in the Humanities
- Humanities Division seeks to recruit Academic Officers
- Schwarzman Centre reaches construction milestone with commencement ceremony
- Empowered by scholarship: The Oxford students shaping the future of the humanities
- Laura Pearce
- Ancient drama competition launched for UK secondary school students
- IT Drop-in sessions
- Our frozen statue and season's greetings from Oxford Humanities
- Sarah Clay
- Michele Warren
- Philosophy professor recognised in 2023 New Year Honours
- In profile: Professor Emma Smith
- Oxford’s Vice-Chancellor speaks of “awe of people trained in the humanities” in inaugural address
- Rave reviews for English professor's reexamination of the Wife of Bath
- Wolfson Foundation grant ushers in new phase for Oxford's unique collection of musical instruments
- "We can create a dynamic environment for learning, research and innovation"
- Professor Abigail Williams hosts docuseries on BBC Radio 4: I Feel Therefore I Am
- Oxford philosopher receives award for project to explore the ethics of AI
- Groundbreaking ceremony marks start of Schwarzman Centre construction
- Oxford Professor of Poetry applications now open
- Innovating in the Humanities: introducing our new campaign
- Oxford University announces the 2023-24 Terra Foundation Visiting Professor
- Two academics receive Einstein Fellowships
- IT Wellbeing
- Humanities Cultural Programme announces two key appointments
- IT Help request form
- David Baddiel announced as next Visiting Professor of Broadcast Media
- Humanities IT Team Members
- Music and the Mind
- Are we ethically prepared for Disease X?
- Professor David De Roure appointed Academic Director of Digital Scholarship @ Oxford
- Student Blog
- Lidl renews partnership with the University of Oxford for a further five years
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships
- In profile: Lindsay Johns
- Humanities Division announces academic leadership appointments
- First appointment to the Jonathan Cooper Chair of the History of Sexualities announced
- New research shows how studying the humanities benefits young people's future careers and wider society
- Next Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion announced
- New prize raises the profile of an endangered European language
- Times Higher Education profiles Oxford's Value of the Humanities report
- Accessibility and esotericism: the ethics of making the unreadable, readable
- Practicum Placement: CLARIN-UK
- Academics from six Humanities faculties selected as Fellows of the British Academy
- Oxford University announces its next Professor of Linguistics
- Joe O'Connor
- Bard Music Festival receives stellar reviews after Music academic’s role as scholar-in-residence
- Oxford Open Doors: A chance to see the Schwarzman Centre so far!
- Three academics shortlisted for the Wolfson History Prize 2023
- Foundation Ceremony: Performances mark construction progress for the Schwarzman Centre
- Introducing our new Head of Impact and Head of Building Operations
- New donation from the Dieter Schwarz Foundation supports Oxford students to take German from scratch
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Jenny Winsland
- Oxford University tops global university ranking for eighth consecutive year
- Humanities IT Newsletter
- Rachel Kowalski
- A colourful concert comes to the Sheldonian Theatre
- Professor Jonathan Cross
- Professor Simon Park
- Machilu van Bever Donker
- Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study in the Humanities
- Professor Christine Gerrard
- Jessica Crawford
- Professor Nandini Das wins major British Academy book prize
- John Fulljames
- Sara St George
- Josie Bamford
- Rhiannon Jones
- Izabela Jaroslawska
- Julia Antal
- John Kennedy
- Karen Houghton
- Rachel Delman
- Claudia Valiente
- Oxford mourns the loss of Mrs Mica Ertegun, CBE
- Diana Osborne
- Professor Erin Pauwels appointed ninth Terra Foundation Visiting Professor in American Art
- Alexandra Vincent recognised with MBE for services to research funding
- New research suggests Cerne Abbas giant carved as muster station for King Alfred's armies
- New appointment establishes Faculty of Theology and Religion as “major centre” for study of Islamic philosophy and theology
- Mel Bywaters
- Anouska Bedford
- Courtney Johnson
- Farishta Mirbacha Naderi
- Shamisa Chasebi
- Broken Chords: Prof Dan Grimley makes the case for music in higher education
- Dorothee Boulanger
- Marilyn Booth and Jokha Alharthi win the Man Booker International Prize 2019
- Oxford Humanities joins TikTok!
- How I overcame my reading slump with the Ten-Minute Book Club
- Humanities Division: Use of cookies on this website
- Five Humanities nominees shortlisted for the Vice-Chancellor's Awards 2024
- Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre moves to Oxford University after receiving continuation funding
- Kazakh Minister of Higher Education Signs MoU with Wolfson College and Oxford Birsöz Initiative
- Ruskin School of Art appoints new Associate Professors
- Topping-out ceremony celebrated new milestone for the Stephen A. Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities
- Humanities recognised at 2024 Vice-Chancellor’s Awards
- Dance, music & creative activities combine for centenary celebration of Kafka
- Oxford researchers named among BBC New Generation Thinkers
- News and events
- Emma Grylls
- Louis Hudson
- Faculty of Theology and Religion Announces New Regius Professors
- Why AI Needs Aristotle: The Lyceum Project
- Faculty of English unveils 25,000 World War II artefacts
- Ruskin Degree Show 2024
- Athens to host ground-breaking AI Ethics Conference
- Tim Davies
- Researcher Charter
- Open Day in the Humanities Division
- Sarah Knott appointed to Hillary Rodham Clinton Professorship
- Humanities Division joins city’s first-ever OxTrail
- Greek PM speaks at Lyceum Conference
- Watch John Tasioulas and Josh Ober discuss AI white paper
- How can forced labour import bans help workers build power?
- Ruskin alumni and associate professor on show at Venice Biennale
- Learn about our MSc Digital Scholarship from recent graduate and Gale scholar Jini Agbu
- Faculties and units
- Five Humanities academics elected British Academy Fellows
- Annual Leys festival returns to celebrate ‘building bridges’ within the community
- Rothermere American Institute's podcast: The Last Best Hope?
- New essay prize for state school students passionate about history and Classics
- Alison Bell
- TORCH launches Caribbean Oxford Initiative
- Simon Barfoot
- Sarah Livingstone
- Jean Pierre de Rosnay
- Barbara Eichner
- Jasmine Gauthier
- Fiamma Mazzocchi Alemanni
- Launch of new Human-Centered AI Lab
- Federica Gigante awarded ERC grant for UNSEEN project
- Ignacio Cofone appointed Associate Professor in Law and Regulation of AI
- Oxford shines in university rankings
- Pioneering digital technology to examine musical themes of England’s most celebrated composer
- Courting India by Prof Nandini Das shortlisted for Wolfson History Prize 2024
- Oxford Humanities launches new institute to tackle contemporary ethical issues
- Learn about the Caribbean Oxford Initiative
- Research Excellence Framework
- The Cultural Programme presents the UK premiere of EVOLVER
- On Anti-Slavery Day, Oxford’s Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre unveils its blueprint to address modern slavery in the UK
- Adventures in Consciousness: Discover the exciting new programme hosted by the Cultural Programme
- AI, Genomics, and the 21st Century Physician
- Stephen Fry appointed Visiting Professor of Creative Media
- TORCH Research Showcase 2024
- Professor Lahiri receives unprecedented sixth ERC Grant
- Oxford’s gargoyles come to life in new Extended Reality experience
- New ethical framework to help navigate use of AI in academic research
- Diana Rodriguez Perez
- Jenny Pagliuca
- Phillip (Phill) Camp
- The Faculty of English launches multi-disciplinary writing prize
- British Academy International Fellowships
- Reframing modern slavery policy: A call for a human rights-based approach
- Humanities Division EDI Action Plan 2024/2025
- Murray Hunt
- Sutton Hoo and Syria: The Anglo-Saxons Who Served in the Byzantine Army?
- Andrew Cusworth
- Oxford to receive new AHRC funding for doctoral studentships
- TORCH Talks 2025
- The Koch History Centre (KHC): A new Historical Research Centre at Oxford
- Oxford Classics team unlocks ancient texts with AI and x-ray technology
- Gillian Smith
- Jean Pierre de Rosnay
- From oral tradition to digital access: documenting and revitalizing the Enggano language
- Ash Aslam
- Jill Eagle
- Caroline Lecointe
- Krisztina Suranyi-Cseko
- Is an interdisciplinary research approach key to tackling global challenges?
- Revolutionising AI Ethics: Oxford Launches the Accelerator Fellowship Programme
- News
- Conference: Ten years on from the Modern Slavery Act: Where next for modern slavery law and policy?
- Ruth MacDonald
- Government must not pit creative industries against big tech, says Oxford Consultation on Copyright and AI