Research Staff Representation

The Division aims for every faculty to have both a Researcher Representative (drawn from the fixed term researcher community) and a Researcher Champion (drawn from the permanent academic staff). The purpose of these roles is to represent the interests of fixed term researchers in the faculties and on divisional and University committees.

Researcher Forum

The researcher representatives meet termly in week 7, with the Academic Lead for Research Environment, to discuss the priorities of the fixed term researcher community. The minutes of these meetings are submitted to the Humanities Research Committee, which is attended by the Divisional Representative, as well as Research Directors from each faculty.


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Researcher Representatives are selected by the relevant Faculty. They are usually in post for 1-2 years. If you would like to become a rep, speak to your existing rep, Research Champion, or Research Director.

Divisional Representatives must be selected from the existing pool of representatives. Nominations are put forward and an election will be held, chaired by the existing Divisional Representative. The aim is to have two divisional representatives, who will hold their post for 2 years.


If you want to have an input into the Researcher Forum or any other committee, speak to the Researcher Rep in your faculty in the first instance. If your faculty does not have a representative speak to your Divisional Rep.