MSc in Digital Scholarship

The purpose of the MSc in Digital Scholarship is to introduce students to the full range of issues which arise when digital tools and methods are applied to traditional humanist scholarship. It has been designed to equip students to surmount those challenges and to develop an ambitious, digitally-enhanced scholarly project of their own. The course is based in the Humanities Division and spans a wide range of disciplines across all of its faculties. Students on the course also benefit from teaching provided by the Bodleian Libraries.
Humanists are most likely to take the MSc, although you might be a computer science student who is intrigued by humanities and recognise that digital humanities could prompt interesting questions. The course is designed to hone students’ technical skills and critical thinking in this area, and give students an understanding of digital scholarship methods.

During the course, students also have the opportunity to be embedded within a digital humanities research project at Oxford University. Oxford has a vibrant community of researchers in this growing and important area, and recently began a project to ensure digital-based research projects remain sustainable even when technology changes.

Each student may, if they wish, be paired with one of Oxford's renowned digital scholars with whom they will meet at least once a term to discuss and seek advice on their own careers. Graduates might typically go on into further research within the Humanities or work in a cultural institution or creative industry. But the themes covered and skills learned will prepare students for a wide range of jobs and industries: they will be ready to critically evaluate the challenges and opportunities of a digital society.
Find out more
If you have questions about the content of the course, you may contact the Course Director, Dr Sarah Ogilvie.