British Academy International Fellowships

The next round of the British Academy International Fellowships scheme closes on 18 March 2025. The Humanties Division at the University of Oxford is inviting expressions of interest from candidates which to apply to be based in one of the Humanities Faculties or units

The deadline for expressions of interest for all Faculties is Tuesday 28 January 2025 (unless stated otherwise below).

The BA International Fellowships are two-year Fellowships - however, the eligibility requirements are complex and you are advised to read the guidance on the BA website carefully.  The eligibility requirements include:

  • Have a PhD, or applicants in the final stages of their PhD;
  • normally no more than seven years of full-time postdoc experience, including teaching experience;
  • not holding UK citizenship;
  • not lived or worked in the UK in the 12 months prior to the application deadline;
  • and candidates cannot normally be applying to come back to the place where they did their doctorate, or to work with their previous supervisor.

Applicants should ensure that they meet all the eligibility requirements, which are explained in the scheme notes on the BA website.

Submitting an Expression of Interest

You should contact a permanent post-holder in the relevant Humanities Faculty to ask if they are willing to support an application and be willing to act as a supervisor for your Fellowship.  All expressions of interest much have the agreement and confirmed support from an Oxford supervisor in the Faculty where you wish to be based.  If you want your Expression of Interest to be considered by more than one Faculty, you must have the agreement and confirmed support from a supervisor in each Faculty.

To submit an expression of interest you should submit:

  • 2 page (maximum) description of your project which should address the project aims, objectives, research questions, methodology and outcomes; and including the name of Faculty you wish to be considered by, and the name of the agreed supervisor. You should bear in mind when writing your expression of interest that it will be reviewed by Faculty staff, some of whom will be outside of your specialism.   
  • A maximum 2 page CV. 
  • You should ask your proposed supervisor to send a statement of support separately to the relevant email address listed below by Tuesday 28 January 2025..

Your expression of interest documentation should be emailed to the relevant Faculty by Tuesday 28 January 2025:

Asian & Middle Eastern Studies:




Linguistics, Philology & Phonology: Deadline: 4 Feb 2025.

Medieval & Modern Languages:

Music - see: 

Philosophy - see: 

Ruskin School of Art:

Rothermere American Institute:

Theology & Religion:

Uehiro Institute:

Voltaire Foundation: